Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE)

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Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA)

The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE), Hyderabad has established the Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA) to ensure quality of programmes being offered in Open and Distance Learning mode and/or Online mode. As per UGC (ODL Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2020, the Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA) was established on 12th November 2020.

Objective of CIQA

The objective of CIQA is to develop and put in place a comprehensive and dynamic internal quality assurance system to ensure that programmes of higher education in the Open and Distance Learning mode and Online mode being implemented by the University are of acceptable quality and further improved on continuous basis.

Functions of CIQA

  • To maintain quality in the services provided to the learners.
  • To undertake self-evaluative and reflective exercises for continual quality improvement in all the systems and processes of the Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE).
  • To contribute in the identification of the key areas in which CDOE should maintain quality.
  • To devise mechanisms to ensure that the quality of Open and Distance Learning programmes and Online programmes matches with the quality of relevant programmes in conventional mode.
  • To devise mechanisms for interaction with and obtaining feedback from all stakeholders namely, learners, teachers, staff, parents, society, employers, and Government for quality improvement.
  • To suggest measures to CDOE for qualitative improvement.
  • To facilitate the implementation of its recommendations through periodic reviews.
  • To organise workshops/ seminars/ symposium on quality related themes, to ensure participation of all stakeholders, and disseminate the reports of such activities among all the stakeholders of the University.
  • To develop and collate best practices in all areas leading to quality enhancement in services to the learners and disseminate the same to all concerned in CDOE.
  • To collect, collate and disseminate accurate, complete and reliable statistics about the quality of the programme(s).
  • To ensure that Programme Project Report for each programme is according to the norms and guidelines prescribed by the Commission and wherever necessary by the appropriate regulatory authority having control over the programme.
  • To put in place a mechanism to ensure the proper implementation of Programme Project Reports.
  • To maintain a record of Annual Plans and Annual Reports of CDOE, review them periodically and generate actionable reports.
  • To provide inputs to the CDOE for restructuring of programmes in order to make them relevant to the job market.
  • To facilitate system-based research on ways of creating learner-centric environment and to bring about qualitative change in the entire system.
  • To act as a nodal coordinating unit for seeking assessment and accreditation from a designated body for accreditation such as NAAC etc.
  • To adopt measures to ensure internalization and institutionalization of quality enhancement practices through periodic accreditation and audit.
  • To coordinate between CDOE and the Commission for various quality related initiatives or guidelines.
  • To obtain information from other Universities on various quality benchmarks or parameters and best practices.
  • To record activities undertaken on quality assurance in the form of an annual report of Centre for Internal Quality Assurance.
  • To submit Annual Reports to the Statutory Authorities or Bodies of the University about its activities at the end of each academic session.
  • To submit a copy of report to the Commission in the format as specified by the Commission, duly approved by the statutory authorities of the University.

Centre for Internal Quality Assurance Committee

As per UGC (ODL Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2020, Vice Chancellor of the University nominated the following members for Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA) for the Academic years 2023-24 and 2024-25.



Vice Chancellor of the University – Chairperson

Dr. L.S.Ganesh

Three senior teachers of Higher Educational Institution - Members

Dr.Narasimha Chary
Dr. Surjit Kar
Dr. Perna Chhetri

Head of three Departments or School of Studies offering recognized programmes in Open and Distance Learning and Online mode - Members

Dr. D. Satish (HOD Finance)
Dr. Mukesh Mishra (HOD Marketing)
Dr. Showrie (HOD HR)

Two external experts of Open and Distance Learning and/or Online education - Members

Dr. S. Agaihachari
(External Member, Former Joint Registrar IGNOU)
Dr. R.K. Chouhan
(External Member, Former Secretary UGC)

Officials from the Administration and Finance departments of the Higher Educational Institution – Members

Mr. Vittal (Member from Administration)
Mrs. Y. Ratnabhanu (Member from Finance)

Centre for Internal Quality Assurance – Member Secretary

Dr. D. Saravanan

Registrar – Ex-officio member

Dr. S.Vijayalakshmi

S.no Information Type Provisions Link Name Document/Link to be attached
I Institutional Level Establishing Act and Statutes MHRD and UGC notifications 1.1. MHRD and UGC notifications
Application submitted to UGC-DEB for offering ODL/Online programmes 2023-24 MBA application submitted to UGC-DEB
2022-23 MBA & BBA application submitted to UGC-DEB
1.2.1. Application submitted to UGC-DEB for offering ODL programmes 2023-24 (MBA)
1.2.2. Application submitted to UGC-DEB for offering ODL programmes 2022-23 (MBA and BBA)
Copies of the letters of recognition from Commission
Note: Not applicable for Category-I HEIs and Entitled HEIs
UGC Approval for ODL Programs 2021-22
UGC Approval for ODL Programs 2022-23
UGC Approval for ODL Programs 2023-24
1.3.1. ODL Approval 2021-22
1.3.2. ODL Approval 2022-23
1.3.3. ODL Approval 2023-24
Copies of the letters of other relevant statutory or regulatory authorities AICTE Approval for ODL Programs 2020-21
AICTE Approval for ODL Programs 2021-22
AICTE Approval for ODL Programs 2022-23
AICTE Approval for ODL Programs 2023-24
AICTE NOC letter for ODL Programs 2022-23 to 2026-27
1.4.1. AICTE Approval 2020-21 for ODL Programs
1.4.2. AICTE Approval 2021-22 for ODL and Online Programs
1.4.3. AICTE Approval 2021-22 for ODL and Online Programs
1.4.4. AICTE Approval 2021-22 for ODL and Online Programs
1.4.5. No Objection Certificate for ODL Programs 2022-23 to 2026
II Programme-wise Programme details including brochures or programme guides such as ODL MBA prospectus of January’24
ODL BBA prospectus of January’24
2.1.1. IFHE ODL MBA Prospectus January 2024
2.1.2. IFHE ODL BBA Prospectus-January 2024
Programme-wise information on: ODL MBA Program Structure and Curriculum
ODL BBA Program Structure and Curriculum
2.2.1. ODL MBA Program Structure and Curriculum
2.2.2. ODL BBA Program Structure and Curriculum
III Faculty and Non-Teaching Staff Programme-wise faculty details List of ODL Faculty 3.1. Programme-wise faculty details
List of supporting staff List of Supporting Staff 3.2. List of supporting staff
IV Self-Learning Material/E-Learning Material Complete information about “Self Learning Material” including name of the faculty who prepared it, when was it prepared and last updated for Open and Distance Learning Programmes;
Similarly information about “E-Learning Materials” in 4 quadrants in case of Online programmes
List of Faculty who Prepared SLM books for ODL Programs 4. List of Faculty who Prepared SLM books for ODL Programs
V Learner Support Centres (for ODL mode) List of Learner Support Centres with
  • Name with Addresses
  • Contact details
  • Working hours
  • Number of learners
  • Counselling Schedule
List of Learner Support Centres 5. List of Learning Support Centers
VI Examination List of the “Examination Centres” along with the number of learners in each centre Examination centre details are uploaded 6. List of the Examination Centres
Details of the Information and Communication Technology facilities available for conduct of examination
VII Schedule Important schedules or date-sheets for:
  • Admissions
  • Registration and re-registration
  • Assignments
  • Examinations
  • Result declarations etc
2023-24, January’24 Academic Calendar 7. Academic Calendar January 2024
VIII Admission Data Data of year-wise and programme-wise learner enrolment details ODL Programs Admissions 8. ODL Programs Admissions
IX Student Centric provision Frequently Asked Questions FAQ’s https://www.ifheindia.org/dlp/faqs.html
E-Samadhan E-Samadhan 9.2. UGC E-SAMADHAN Letter
Details of Students 'Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC) and Ombudsperson Students Grievance Redressal Committee.(SGRC) 9.3. Students Grievance Redressal Committee.(SGRC)
UGC public notice dated 19th March, 2024 on Precaution to be taken before enrolling in programmes under ODL mode and Online mode UGC public notice on Precaution to be taken before enrolling in programmes under ODL mode and Online mode https://www.ifheindia.org/dlp/news.html
X Qualitative Provision Feedback mechanism Feedback mechanism Flow Chart 10.1 Feedback Mechanism Flow chart
Reports of internal academic audit every year by Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA) CIQA Reports https://www.ifheindia.org/dlp/ciqa.html



Attachment / Link


The establishing Act and Statutes there under or the Memorandum of Association, as the case may be or both, of the Higher Educational Institution, empowering it to offer programmes in Open and Distance Learning mode

MHRD and UGC notifications - Annexure 1


Copies of the letters of recognition from Commission and other relevant statutory or regulatory authorities.

ODL Programs Approval 2021-22 - Annexure 2
ODL Programs Approval 2022-23 - Annexure 2.1


Programme details including brochures or programme guides inter alia information such as name of the programme, duration, eligibility for enrolment, programme fee, programme structure

MBA Prospectus - Annexure 3
BBA Prospectus - Annexure 3.1


Programme-wise information on syllabus, suggested readings, contact points for counselling/mentoring, programme structure with credit points, programme-wise faculty details, list of supporting staff, list of Learner Support Centres with addresses and contact details (for Open and Distance Leaning mode), their working hours and counselling (for Open and Distance Learning mode) Schedule;

MBA Program Structure and Curriculum - Annexure 4


Important schedules or date-sheets for admissions, registration, re-registration, counselling/mentoring, assignments and feedback thereon, examinations, result declarations etc.

Academic Calendar - Annexure 5


The feedback mechanism on design, development, delivery and continuous evaluation of learner-performance which shall form an integral part of the transactional design of the Open and Distance Learning mode programmes and shall be an input for maintaining the quality of the programmes and bridging the gaps, if any

Assignment feedback form to students for continuous evaluation - Annexure 6


Information regarding all the programmes recognised by the Commission

MBA: https://www.ifheindia.org/dlp/MBA.html
BBA: https://www.ifheindia.org/dlp/BBA.html


Data of year-wise and programme-wise learner enrolment details in respect of degrees and/or post graduate diplomas awarded

ODL Programs Admission details - Annexure 7


Complete information about 'Self Learning Material ' including name of the faculty who prepared it, when was it prepared and last updated for Open and Distance Learning Programmes;

List of Faculty who Prepared SLM books for ODL Programs - Annexure 8


A compilation of questions and answers under the head 'Frequently Asked Questions' with the facility of online interaction with learners providing hyperlink support for Open and Distance Learning Programmes



List of the 'Learner Support Centres' along with the number of learners who shall appear at any examination centre and details of the Information and Communication Technology facilities available for conduct of examination in a fair and transparent manner, for Open and Distance Learning programmes

List of Learning Support Centers - Annexure 9


List of the 'Examination Centres 'along with the number of learners in each centre, for Open and Distance Learning programmes

List of Examination Centers - Annexure 10


Details of proctored examination in case of end semester examination or term end examination of Open and Distance Learning programmes

Weightage for End Semester exams: 70%
Computer based examinations are conducted at designated test centres within the Territorial Jurisdiction of the University.


Academic Calendar mentioning period of the admission process along with the academic session, dates of continuous and end semester examinations or term end examinations, etc

Academic Calendar - Annexure 5


Reports of the third party academic audit to be undertaken every five years and internal academic audit every year by Centre for Internal Quality Assurance

CIQA Annual Reports